Network Job Entry - significado y definición. Qué es Network Job Entry
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Qué (quién) es Network Job Entry - definición

RJE; NETRJS; Remote Job Entry; Remote batch; Remote Job Processing; Network Job Entry

Remote Job Entry         
<operating system> (RJE) A system, widely used in the mid/late 1960s, for submitting jobs to mainframes like the {IBM 360} under OS/MFT. Communication with the {computer operator} was via the keyboard and later via CRTs. (1999-03-26)
Remote Job Entry (Reference: IBM, Internet, RFC 407)


Remote job entry

Remote job entry is the procedure for sending requests for non-interactive data processing tasks (jobs) to mainframe computers from remote workstations, and by extension the process of receiving the output from such jobs at a remote workstation.

The RJE workstation is called a remote because it usually is located some distance from the host computer. The workstation connects to the host through a modem, digital link, packet-switching network or local area network (LAN). RJE is similar to uux and SSH, except that the workstation sends a complete job stream rather than a single command and that the user does not receive any output until the completion of the job.. The terms Remote Batch, Remote Job System and Remote Job Processing are also used for RJE facilities.